John Smith’s Grand National: summary of key horses left in

John Smith’s Grand National: summary of key horses left in.

About robinofrockridge

I write books for kids.
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5 Responses to John Smith’s Grand National: summary of key horses left in

  1. It’s been many years since I’ve done any competing on horseback, and I never did any racing or steeplechasing, but it’s good to read that people still enjoy it. (I love the horses’ names!)
    It’s the call of the mountains for me as I still enjoy the trails on Willa.


  2. I have a challenge for Arletta. Take these horses’ names from the Grand National final roster and put them in a poem.


  3. OH, I DO love a challenge…but, then, I haven’t yet looked at the list. You’ll be the first to know IF I can come up with anything!


  4. Okay, counting only those horses listed in bold type, the current runners, I came up with 37 odd and unusual names among the impossibles. Looking more like a short story to me…but who knows what the dare will uncover. I’m stiff in the saddle seat already, and I haven’t even begun.


  5. I didn’t realize there were that many!
    Phew! Wonder if this could be turned into some sort of game. Naw, a poem would be best.


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